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Paulo Relvas

Professor auxiliar
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Centro de Ciências do Mar
Docentes Universitário
Unidade ID
Centro de Ciências do Mar
CT em Funções Públicas por tempo indeterminado
Paulo Relvas: Degree in Physics from the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa and PhD in Physical Oceanography from the School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor. Main research areas: Eastern Boundary Current Systems. Dynamical processes in the Coastal Transition Zone. Coastal and shelf oceanography. Mesoscale structures. Coastal upwelling. Long trem variability of upwelling systems. Structure and dynamics of upwelling filaments. Inner shelf circulation. Sea level variations. Applied remote sensing. Training and teaching oceanography. Responsible for several courses at the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, namely Meteorology and Climatology, Physical Oceanography, Dinamical Oceanography, Programming in Oceanography in the Degree in Marine Sciences., Coastal and Shelf Oceanography in the Masters in Oceanography. Large Scale Oceanographic Processes in the Ocean in the Masters in Marine and Coastal Systems. At the University of Cape Vert, Mindelo: Oceanography in the Masters in Marine Resources and Coastal Management. At University Agostinho Neto, Luanda, Angola: General Oceanography in the Masters in Marine Sciences and Coastal Zone. Director of the Degree in Marine Sciences, Universidade do Algarve - FCT (2011-2014). Supervision of several PhD and Msc thesys.


2023/02/01 - Presente. Orientação. Millenial-scale climate variability in the mid-latitudinal North Atlantic during MIS 36-48: a multiproxy approach.Doutoramento em Ciências da Terra, Mar e Ambiente - Universidade do Algarve (Doutoramento). Coorientador.
2022/01/01 - Presente. Orientação. Impacts of early to middle Pleistocene climate change on the sea floor environment of the Gulf of Cadiz – evidence from benthic foraminifera.Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente - Universidade do Algarve (Doutoramento). Coorientador.
2021/10 - Presente. Comissão de avaliação. Avaliação de bolsas do AIRCENTRE em 2021 e 2023.
2021/01 - Presente. Comissão de avaliação. Avaliação de bolsas do CoLabAtlantic.
2019/06/04 - Presente. Membro de comissão. Membro do Comité Português para a Comissão Oceanográfica Intergovernamental (CP-COI). Elaboração de diversos pareceres sobre atividades científicas internacionais. . Membro. Comissão Oceanográfica Intergovernamental (CP-COI).
2019 - Presente. Membro de comissão. Diretor do International Master in Marine and Coastal Systems, FCT - Universidade do Algarve, 2019 até ao presente. Diretor. Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia.
2019/01/01 - 2023/12/31. Orientação. Coastal circulation along the northern shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz.Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente (Doutoramento). Coorientador.
2022/09/15 - 2023/12/18. Orientação. Two weeks of vertical profiles on the inner shelf of the northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz: what do they say about the ecosystem?.Master's in Marine and Coastal Systems (MaCS) (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2022/09/15 - 2023/12/15. Orientação. “IN SITU AND SATELLITE CHARACTERIZATION OF MEDDIES STRUCTURES IN OPEN OCEAN NE ATLANTIC: NA-VICE CRUISE (2012) AZORES TO ICELAND.Master's in Marine and Coastal Systems (MaCS) (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2021/09/15 - 2022/11/23. Orientação. Characterization of Circulation patterns in the Gulf of Cadiz based on satellite altimetry
.Master's in Marine and Coastal Systems (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2021/09/15 - 2022/03/07. Orientação. Unsupervised Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Coastal Upwelling from Sea Surface Temperature Images.Engenharia Informática (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2014/02/01 - 2021/09/21. Orientação. Hydrology and dynamics of the waters of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Angola.Programa Doutoral em "Marine Science, Technology and Management" (DO*MAR) (Doutoramento). Coorientador.
2019/09 - 2020/11. Orientação. Steric height anomalies in the Southern Ocean due to thermohaline variability.Sistemas Marinhos e Costeiros (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2019/09 - 2020/11. Orientação. Phytoplankton dynamics off southwest Iberia: a physical-biological approach.Sistemas Marinhos e Costeiros (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2019/09 - 2020/11. Orientação. Links between climate and the upper ocean structure: the Canary current upwelling system.Sistemas Marinhos e Costeiros (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2016/05 - 2017/11. Orientação. Coastal counter-currents setup patterns in the Gulf of Cadiz: an indication of their forcing factors.Sistemas Marinhos e Costeiros (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2016/05 - 2017/09. Orientação. Eddies of the Cape Verde Archipelago - The impact on regional and local ocean circulation.Sistemas Marinhos e Costeiros (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2014 - 2016. Comissão de avaliação. Membro do painel de Ciências da Terra de avaliação de bolsas de Doutoramento e Pós-Doc da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia em 2014, 2015 e 2016. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2015/04 - 2015/12. Orientação. Projecto SHORE - Shoreface Morphodynamics: An Integrated Approach.Pós-doutoramento (Outra). Orientador.
2015/07/13 - 2015/07/17. Curso / Disciplina lecionado. Invited Lecture in the PhD Program Do*Mar - Marine Science Technology and Management
Topic: Ocean – Atmosphere Interaction
. Universidade de Vigo - Campus Ourense.
2009/03/01 - 2015/04/29. Orientação. Design and implementation of an operational oil spill forecast and risk assessment tool for the Algarve Coast.Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente (Doutoramento). Orientador.
2011 - 2014. Orientação. Facies architecture and morphologic variations of tidal deltas.Pós-doutoramento (Outra). Coorientador.
2011/11/19 - 2011/12/01. Curso / Disciplina lecionado. Mestrado em Recursos e Ciências do Mar e Zonas Costeiras - Oceanografia Geral
. Oceanografia Geral (Master). Universidade Agostinho Neto.
2009/09 - 2011/07. Orientação. Caracterização hidrográfica e química de longo termo na região costeira de Benguela, Angola.Oceanografia (Mestrado). Orientador.
2008/05 - 2009/11. Orientação. Campanha MPDO para sardinha (IPIMAR, 2005). Caracterização hidrográfica sobre a plataforma continental Ibérica. Aplicação dos dados de perfis de temperatura à datação de ovos de sardinha, efeitos sobre a estimativa de produção de ovos.Oceanografia (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2009/07/05 - 2009/07/11. Curso / Disciplina lecionado. Responsible for the post-graduate course in "Processos Oceanográficos e Clima", Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala; Centro de Estudios del Mar y Acuicultura - Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
2007/05 - 2008/11. Orientação. Caracterização química do Oceano costeiro ao largo do Algarve.Oceanografia (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2007/05 - 2008/11. Orientação. Estudo da propagação de ondas longas na costa Atlântica da Península Ibérica.Oceanografia (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2007/12/04 - 2007/12/20. Curso / Disciplina lecionado. ISECMAR - Mestrado em Recursos do Mar e Gestão Costeira - Duisciplina de Oceanografia
. Oceanografia (Master). Universidade de Cabo Verde.
2001 - 2005. Orientação. The regional oceanography off Cape São Vicente: from the large-scale to the upwelling filament.Ciências do Mar (Doutoramento). Orientador.
2003 - 2004. Orientação. Caracterização dos eventos quentes e de baixa salinidade ao longo da plataforma continental Angolana.Oceanografia (Mestrado). Orientador.


2018/07/01 - Presente. CLIMFISH - A framework for assess the vulnerability of coastal fisheries to climate change in Portuguese coast, Sistema de Apoio à Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (SAICT) – Call nr 02/SAICT/2017 . Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2014 - Presente. EMSO.PT - European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory (EMSO-ERIC), SAICT - Roteiro Nacional de Infraestruturas de Investigação de Interesse Estratégico . Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2014 - Presente. EMSO.PT - European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory (EMSO-ERIC).
2015/10 - 2017/10. BIOMETOR - Biodiversity in seamounts: the Madeira-Tore and Great Meteor, Integrated Marine and Coastal Management . Investigador.
2015/10 - 2017/10. BIOMETOR - Biodiversity in seamounts: the Madeira-Tore and Great Meteor.
2013/06/30 - 2015/12/29. Shoreface morphodynamics: an integrated approach - SHORE, 3599-PPCDT. Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2011/01/01 - 2014/12/31. IMPROVE- Inner shelf hydrographic and biological processes controlling invertebrate population in the Portuguese coast, using decapods as models, 3599-PPCDT. Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2011/04/01 - 2014/09/30. Remote sensing of phytoplankton variability patterns off South-Western Iberia: a sentinel for climate change? (PHYTOCLIMA), 3599-PPCDT. Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2009/01/01 - 2014/06/30. MARINA Platform - Marine Renewable Integrated Application Platform, FP7-ENERGY - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Energy . Investigador. Universidade do Algarve Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental.
2010/04/01 - 2013/12/31. LongUp - Long Term Variability of the Canary Current Upwelling System, PTDC. Investigador responsável. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2010/04/01 - 2013/09/30. The Mediterranean Outflow influence on the Eastern North Atlantic Central Water: Sflux, 3599-PPCDT. Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2012 - 2013. Long-term effects of continued trawling on deep-water muddy grounds - IMPACT (EUROFLEETS), FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES - Specific Programme "Capacities": Research infrastructures. Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2012 - 2013. Long-term effects of continued trawling on deep-water muddy grounds - IMPACT (EUROFLEETS).
2009 - 2013. ARGOMARINE — Automatic Oil-Spill Recognition and Geopositioning integrated in a Marine Monitoring Network, FP7-TRANSPORT - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Transport (including Aeronautics) . Investigador. Universidade do Algarve Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental.
2006/01/01 - 2008/12/31. DYNCOASTAL - Physical and biogeochemical Dynamics of Coastal Countercurrents: A Study Case in Algarve Luff. , SAPIENS. Investigador. Universidade do Algarve Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental.
2005/10/15 - 2008/12/15. P3A2 - Producción Pelágica en la Plataforma Atlántico-Andaluza, CTM. Investigador.
2000/10/01 - 2004/12/31. ATOMS - Acoustic tomography ocean monitoring system , POCI. Investigador responsável.
1996 - 1999. Oceanography of the Costa Vicentina: Upwelling and Productivity, PRAXIS. Investigador. Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas.
1994 - 1996. EUROSQUID Air project CT 92 0573. Bolseiro de Doutoramento.
1983 - 1985. Estudo Ambiental do Estuário do Tejo. Investigador.


Ricardo F. Sánchez-Leal; María Jesús Bellanco; Luis Miguel Fernández-Salas; Jesús García-Lafuente; Marc Gasser-Rubinat; César González-Pola; Francisco J. Hernández-Molina; et al. 2017. "The Mediterranean Overflow in the Gulf of Cadiz: A rugged journey". Science Advances, 3 (11): eaao0609-eaao0609.
Janeiro, J.; Neves, A.; Martins, F.; Relvas, Paulo. 2017. "Integrating technologies for oil spill response in the SW Iberian coast". Journal of Marine Systems, 173: 31-42.
Couto, A.; Queiroz, N.; Relvas, P.; Baptista, M.; Furtado, M.; Castro, J.; Nunes, M.; Morikawa, H.; Rosa, R.. 2017. "Occurrence of basking shark Cetorhinus maximus in southern Portuguese waters: A two-decade survey". Marine Ecology Progress Series, 564: 77-86.
Sousa, Lara L.; López-Castejón, Francisco; Gilabert, Javier; Relvas, Paulo; Couto, Ana; Queiroz, Nuno; Caldas, Renato; et al. 2016. "Integrated Monitoring of Mola mola Behaviour in Space and Time". PLOS ONE, 11 (8).
Garel, E.; Laiz, I.; Drago, T.; Relvas, P.. 2016. "Characterisation of coastal counter-currents on the inner shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz". Journal of Marine Systems, 155: 19-34.
Monteiro, Carlos Eduardo; Cardeira, Sara; Cravo, Alexandra; Bebianno, Maria João; Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Relvas, Paulo. 2015. "Influence of an upwelling filament on the distribution of labile fraction of dissolved Zn, Cd and Pb off Cape São Vicente, SW Iberia". Continental Shelf Research, 94: 28-41.
Fonseca, P.; Abrantes, F.; Aguilar, R.; Campos, A.; Cunha, M.; Ferreira, D.; Fonseca, T.P.; et al. 2014. "A deep-water crinoid Leptometra celtica bed off the Portuguese south coast". Marine Biodiversity, 44 (2): 223-228.
Cardeira, S.; Rita, F.; Relvas, P.; Cravo, A.. 2013. "Chlorophyll a and chemical signatures during an upwelling event off the South Portuguese coast (SW Iberia)". Continental Shelf Research, 52: 133-149.
Cravo, A.; Relvas, P.; Cardeira, S.; Rita, F.. 2013. "Nutrient and chlorophyll a transports during an upwelling event in the NW margin of the Gulf of Cadiz". Journal of Marine Systems, 128: 208-221.
Janeiro, J.; Martins, F.; Relvas, P.. 2012. "Towards the development of an operational tool for oil spills management in the Algarve coast". Journal of Coastal Conservation, 16 (4): 449-460.
Cravo, A.; Relvas, P.; Cardeira, S.; Rita, F.; Madureira, M.; Sánchez, R.. 2010. "An upwelling filament off southwest Iberia: Effect on the chlorophyll a and nutrient export". Continental Shelf Research, 30 (15): 1601-1613.
Santos, A.M.P.; Machado, P.B.; Relvas, P.. 2009. "Applications of satellite remote sensing and GIS to oceanography and fisheries: Case studies in the Western Iberia". Editado por Nova Science, 67-108. New York, Estados Unidos: Nova Science Publisher.
Felisberto, P.; Jesus, S.; Relvas, P.. 2007. "Acoustic inversion of the cold water filaments off the southwest coast of Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em 2007 OCEANS, Vancouver, Canadá,04 de outubro, 2007.
Sánchez, R.F.; Relvas, P.; Delgado, M.. 2007. "Coupled ocean wind and sea surface temperature patterns off the western Iberian Peninsula". Journal of Marine Systems, 68 (1-2): 103-127.
Relvas, P.; Barton, E.D.; Dubert, J.; Oliveira, P.B.; Peliz, A.; da Silva, J.C.B.; Santos, A.M.P.. 2007. "Physical oceanography of the western Iberia ecosystem: Latest views and challenges". Progress in Oceanography, 74 (2-3): 149-173.
Sánchez, R.F.; Relvas, P.; Pires, H.O.. 2007. "Comparisons of ocean scatterometer and anemometer winds off the southwestern Iberian Peninsula". Continental Shelf Research, 27 (2): 155-175.
Sánchez, R.F.; Mason, E.; Relvas, P.; da Silva, A.J.; Peliz, A.. 2006. "On the inner-shelf circulation in the northern Gulf of Cádiz, southern Portuguese shelf". Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53 (11-13): 1198-1218.
Relvas, P.; Barton, E.D.. 2005. "A separated jet and coastal counterflow during upwelling relaxation off Cape São Vicente (Iberian Peninsula)". Continental Shelf Research, 25 (1): 29-49.
Sánchez, R.F.; Relvas, P.. 2003. "Spring-summer climatological circulation in the upper layer in the region of Cape St. Vincent, Southwest Portugal". ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60 (6): 1232-1250.
Relvas, P.; Barton, E.D.. 2002. "Mesoscale patterns in the Cape São Vicente (Iberian Peninsula) upwelling region". Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, 107 (10): 28-1.
Cardoso, Patricia G.; Dolbeth, Marina; Sousa, Ronaldo; Relvas, Paulo; Santos, Rui; Silva, Alexandra; Quintino, Victor. 2019. "The Portuguese Coast". Em World Seas: an Environmental Evaluation, editado por Academic Press, 189-208. Elsevier.
Laiz, Irene; Relvas, Paulo; Plomaritis, Theocharis; Garel, Erwan. 2016. "ERASMUS EXPERIENCE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF CADIZ (SPAIN) AND THE UNIVERSITY OF ALGARVE (PORTUGAL)". Em EDULEARN16 Proceedings, 4649-4653.: IATED.
Baptista, Vânia; Silva, Patrícia Laginha; Relvas, Paulo; Teodósio, M. Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco. 2017. "Sea surface temperature variability along the Portuguese coast since 1950". International Journal of Climatology, 38 (3): 1145-1160.
Pires, RFT; Cordeiro, N; Dubert, J; Marraccini, A; Relvas, P; dos Santos, A. 2017. "Untangling Vellela vellela (Cnidaria: Anthoathecatae) transport: a citizen science and oceanographic approach". Marine Ecology Progress Series, 591: 241-251.
Relvas, P.; Luís, J.; Santos, A.M.P.; Santos, A. M. P.. 2009. "Importance of the mesoscale in the decadal changes observed in the northern Canary upwelling system". Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (22).
Sánchez, R.F.; Relvas, P.; Martinho, A.; Miller, P.. 2008. "Physical description of an upwelling filament west of Cape St. Vincent in late October 2004". Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113 (7).
Leitão, Francisco; Relvas, Paulo; Cánovas, Fernando; Baptista, Vânia; Teodósio, Alexandra. 2018. "Northerly wind trends along the Portuguese marine coast since 1950". Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
Francisco Leitão; Vânia Baptista; Vasco Vieira; Patrícia Laginha Silva; Paulo Relvas; Maria Alexandra Teodósio. 2019. "A 60-Year Time Series Analyses of the Upwelling along the Portuguese Coast". Water.
Relvas, Paulo; Cravo, Alexandra; Ricardo F. Sánchez-Leal; Madureira, M.; Cardeira, Sara. "Project ATOMS: characterization of an upwelling filament off Cape São Vicente, SW Iberia.". GLOBEC International Newsletter, abril, 2006.
Relvas, Paulo; Ricardo F. Sánchez-Leal. "Inner Shelf Circulation off Southwest Iberia". GLOBEC International Newsletter, abril, 2006.
Relvas, P.; Monteiro, C.; Cravo, A.; Cardeira, S.; Madureira, M.; Rita, F.; Sánchez, R.; et al. 2014. "Cross-shore exchanges imposed by an upwelling filament". Trabalho apresentado em OCEANS'14 MTS/IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2014,2014.
Relvas, Paulo. "Processos dinâmicos que determinam as correntes no oceano". Gazeta de Física, 3/4 (2017): 8-13.
Relvas, Paulo; Santos, A. M. P.. "Física do Oceanos: da escala global à escala da sardinha.". Gazeta de Física, 1 (abril, 2020).
Cardoso, Cláudio; Caldeira, Rui; Relvas, Paulo; Stegnerd, Alexandre. 2020. "Islands as eddy transformation and generation hotspots: Cape Verde case study". Progress In Oceanography, 184 (102271).
De Oliveira Júnior, Luciano; Garel, Erwan; Relvas, Paulo. 2021. "The structure of incipient coastal counter currents in South Portugal as indicator of their forcing agents". Journal of Marine Systems, 214 (103486).
Relvas, Paulo. 1985. "Contribuição para o Estudo da Energética de Portugal Continental". Licenciatura.
Relvas, Paulo. 1990. "Os Campos da Radiação Solar Difusa em Portugal Continental". Mestrado.
Relvas, Paulo. 1999. "The physical oceanography of the Cape São Vicente upwelling region observed from the sea, land and space". Doutoramento.
Castanheira, Jorge; Relvas, Paulo. 1985. Evolução dos Fundos do Estuário do Tejo.
Castanheiro, Jorge; Relvas, Paulo. 1985. Estimativa da Carga Poluente de Origem Industrial Afluente ao Estuário do Tejo.
Relvas, Paulo; Eric Desmond Barton. 1995. RV Poseidon Cruise 201/9 Cruise Report: Physical Oceanography .
Relvas, Paulo; Eric Desmond Barton. 1996. RV Poseidon Cruise 201/9 Cruise Report: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data | Velocity Fields.
Relvas, Paulo. 1984. O Ciclo Anual da Temperatura no Estuário do Tejo.
Relvas, Paulo. "Contribuição para o Conhecimento do Clima Radiativo Solar no Algarve". Informação Científica - UAlg, 2 (1990).
Relvas, Paulo. 2006. Plano de Cruzeiro, CIMA-Cruzeiro, NRP D. Carlos I .
Relvas, Paulo; Cravo, Alexandra. 2007. Cruise Report: ATOMS Cruise - NRP D. Carlos I, 22 - 26 October 2004.
Tina Georg; Maria C. Neves; Paulo Relvas; Kate Malmgren. 2020. Links between climate and the upper ocean structure in the Canary current upwelling system.
Erwan Garel; Luciano Júnior; Paulo Relvas; Irene Laiz; Jesús Gómez-Enri. 2020. Coastal circulation from along-track satellite altimetry along the northern inner shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz.
Teresa Drago; Rui Taborda; Sebastião Teixeira; Marcos Rosa; João Pedro Cascalho; Miriam Tuaty-Guerra; Maria José Gaudêncio; et al. 2020. Impacts of sand extraction and deposition on the ecosystem recovery rate in the southern coastal zone of Portugal.
Relvas, Paulo. 2007. Paulo Relvas personal page.
Relvas, Paulo. 2000. Observations of the velocity field near Cape São Vicente. Em 2nd Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica, Lagos, Portugal.
Coelho, Henrique; Relvas, Paulo; Mateus, Marcos; Santos, Aires. 2000. The nearshore poleward flow along the S/SW coast of Portugal: Observations and Modelling. Em 2nd Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica, Lagos, Portugal.
Relvas, Paulo; Barton, E.D.. 2003. Response of the shelf circulation to the relaxation of upwelling favourable winds off southwest Iberia. Em EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 2003.
Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Relvas, Paulo. 2003. Climatological upper-layer circulation features along SW Portugal in spring-summer. Em EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 2003.
Relvas, Paulo; Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Oliveira Pires, H. 2003. Validation of scatterometer winds along SW Portugal. Em 4th Symposium on the Atlantic Iberian Continental Margin, Vigo, Spain, 2003.
Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Relvas, Paulo. 2004. Ocean Wind and Sea Surface Patterns Along the SW Iberian Peninsula. Em AGU Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2004..
Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Relvas, Paulo; Gonzalez, R.; da Silva, A.J.. 2004. Evidences for Sharp Current Reversal in the Gulf of Cadiz, Southern Portuguese Shelf. Em AGU Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2004.
Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Relvas, Paulo. 2004. Coupled wind and temperature patterns along SW Iberian Peninsula. Em 4th Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 2004.
Cravo, Alexandra; Cardeira, Sara; Madureira, Miguel; Relvas, Paulo. 2006. Impact of the Cape São Vicente (SW Iberia) upwelling filament on the nutrient and chlorophyll distributions. Em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2006..
Quental, Teresa; Cravo, Alexandra; Relvas, Paulo; Moita, M. T.. 2007. Autumn phytoplankton composition of an upwelling filament off Cape S. Vicente (Portugl). Em 10th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Faro, Portugal.
Rio, Inês; Cravo, Alexandra; Relvas, Paulo. 2008. Oceanographic characterization of a section in front of Ria Formosa lagoon. Em XIV Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Cádiz, Spain, 2008.
Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Relvas, Paulo; Martinho, A.; Miller, P.. 2008. An upwelling filament west of Cape St Vincent in late October 2004. Em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2008..
Cravo, Alexandra; Cardeira, Sara; Madureira, Miguel; Relvas, Paulo. 2008. Impact of an upwelling filament off southwest Iberian Peninsula upon the nutrient and chlorophyll a distributions. Em Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems Symposium, Las Palmas, Gran Canária, Spain, 2008..
Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Relvas, Paulo; Martinho, A.; Miller, P.. 2008. Physical description of an upwelling filament off southwest Iberian Peninsula. Em Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems Symposium, Las Palmas, Gran Canária, Spain, 2008..
Relvas, Paulo; Luis, J.; Santos, A. M. P.. 2009. Does mesoscale matters in decadal changes observed in the northern Canary upwelling system?. Em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
Relvas, Paulo; Luís, J.; Laginha Silva, P.; Santos, A. M. P.. 2011. Long Term Variability of the Canary Current Upwelling System inferred from Fine Scale Analysis of Satellite-derived SST, Paper Number:GC43B-0917. Em AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2011..
Krug, Lilian; Barbosa, Ana B.; Galvão, H. M.; Domingues, Rita B.; Luís, J.; Platt, Trevor; Relvas, Paulo; Sathyendranath, S.. 2012. Remote sensing of phytoplankton variability off South-Western Iberia: a sentinel for climate change?. Em 44th International Liége Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Remote sensing of colour, temperature and salinity new challenges and opportunities, Liége, Belgium, 7 - 11 May 2012.
Krug, Lilian; Silvano, K. M.; Barbosa, Ana B.; Domingues, Rita B.; Galvão, H. M.; Luís, J.; Platt, Trevor; Relvas, Paulo; Sathyendranath, S.. 2012. Connections between upwelling patterns and phytoplankton variability under different coastal regimes in SW Iberia Peninsula. Em Ocean Optics XXI Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 8 – 12 October 2012..
Drago, T.; Garel, Erwan; Guerreiro, M.; Bulha, L.; Taborda, Rui; Oliveira, P. B.; Peliz, A.; Pousão-Ferreira, Pedro; Relvas, Paulo. 2012. Influence of strong easterly events (Levante) on the coastal and estuarine circulation off the southern Portugal. Em 7º Simpósio sobre a Margem Ibérica Atlântica - MIA12, Lisboa, Portugal, 16 - 20 December 2012, Lisboa, Portugal..
Fagerström, V.; Relvas, Paulo; Drago, T.; Taborda, Rui; Pousão-Ferreira, Pedro; Oliveira, P. B.. 2012. Facts about the alongshore circulation off SW Iberia. Em 7º Simpósio sobre a Margem Ibérica Atlântica - MIA12, Lisboa, Portugal, 16 - 20 December 2012, Lisboa, Portugal..
Relvas, Paulo; Garel, Erwan; Drago, T.; Taborda, Rui. 2014. Inner shelf circulation on the north-western continental margin of the Gulf of Cadiz. Em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
Laginha Silva, P.; Relvas, Paulo; Santos, A. M. P.. 2014. Long-term variability of the upper layer structure of the northern part of Canary Current Upwelling System. Em EGU General Assembly, Vienne, Austria, 2014.
Krug, Lilian; Silvano, K. M.; Barbosa, Ana B.; Relvas, Paulo; Luís, J.; Domingues, Rita B.; Luís, C.; et al. 2014. Effects of upwelling on phytoplankton off SW Iberia coast. Em ECSA 54 - Coastal systems under change: tuning assessment and management tools, 12-16 May 2014, Sesimbra, Portugal.
Janeiro, J.; Relvas, Paulo; Neves, A.; Martins, F.. 2014. Upwelling patterns and coastal vulnerability to oil spills in the South Iberian coast. Em 7th EuroGOOS conference, Lisbon, 28-30 October 2014.
Cravo, Alexandra; Sánchez, R. F.; Monteiro, C.; Cardeira, S.; Madureira, M.; Rita, F.; Relvas, Paulo. 2017. Quantifying the impact of an upwelling filament on the physical-chemical-biological interactions off SW Iberia, Abstract OS31A-1365. Em AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2017.
Relvas, Paulo; Júnior, L.; Garel, Erwan. 2012. Coastal counter-currents setup patterns in the Gulf of Cadiz, Abstract OS31A-1366. Em AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2017.
De Oliveira Júnior, Luciano; Garel, Erwan; Drago, T.; Relvas, Paulo. 2018. Coastal counter-currents setup patterns in the Gulf of Cadiz: an indication of their forcing factors. Em IXº Simpósio sobre a Margem Ibérica Atlântica (MIA2018), Coimbra de 4 a 7 de setembro de 2018, Portugal.
Relvas, Paulo; De Oliveira Júnior, Luciano; Garel, Erwan; Drago, T.. 2017. Coastal counter-currents setup patterns in the Gulf of Cadiz, Abstract OS31A-1366. Em AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2017.
Pires, R. F. T.; Cordeiro, Nuno; Dubert, J.; Marraccini, A.; Relvas, Paulo; dos Santos, A. 2018. Velella velella in the Portuguese coast: oceanography and citizen science. Em IXº Simpósio sobre a Margem Ibérica Atlântica (MIA2018), Coimbra de 4 a 7 de setembro de 2018, Portugal.
Cravo, Alexandra; Sánchez, Ricardo F.; Monteiro, Carlos; Cardeira, Sara; Madureira, M.; Rita, F.; Relvas, Paulo. 2019. What is the impact of an upwelling filament on the physical-chemical-biological interactions off SW Iberia?. Em 42nd CIESM Congress (Mediterranean Science Commission), Estoril, Portugal, 7-11 de October 2019 .
De Oliveira Júnior, Luciano; Garel, Erwan; Drago, T.; Relvas, Paulo. 2019. Physical drivers of coastal counter-currents in Southern Iberia inferred from an analysis of vertical velocity profiles. Em 42nd CIESM Congress (Mediterranean Science Commission), Estoril, Portugal, 7-11 de October 2019 .
Susana Nascimento; Sayed Mateen; Paulo Relvas; Nascimento, Susana; Mateen, Sayed; Relvas, Paulo; Relvas, Paulo. 2020. "Sequential Self-tuning Clustering for Automatic Delimitation of Coastal Upwelling on SST Images". Em Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning ¿ IDEAL 2020, editado por Springer, Cham, 434-443. Cham, Suiça: Springer International Publishing.
José Pinto; Maria Costa; Paulo Dias; Paulo Relvas. 2021. "To boldly dive where no one has gone before: Experiments in coordinated robotic ocean exploration". Em Experimental Robotics - The 17th International Symposium.: Springer International Publishing.
Sarah A. Rautenbach; Carlos Sousa; Mafalda Carapuço; Paulo Relvas. 2023. High resolution observations of the ocean upper layer south of Cape São Vicente, western northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz.
Susana Nascimento; Alexandre Martins; Paulo Relvas; Joaquim F. Luís; Boris Mirkin. 2022. "Novel Cluster Modeling for the Spatiotemporal Analysis of Coastal Upwelling".
2022. EMSO-Iberian Margin Cape St. Vincent observatory data (subsurface mooring) from Jun-Oct 2022.. SEANOE.
2022. Hydrographic dataset from the Eurofleets+ SINES 2022 research cruise in the Iberian Upwelling System. SEANOE.
Tina Georg; Maria C. Neves; Paulo Relvas. 2023. "The signature of NAO and EA climate patterns on the vertical structure of the Canary Current upwelling system". Ocean Science.
Luciano de Oliveira Júnior; Paulo Relvas; Erwan Garel. 2022. "Kinematics of surface currents at the northern margin of the Gulf of Cádiz". Ocean Science.
Luciano de Oliveira Júnior; Paulo Relvas; Erwan Garel. 2022. Kinematics of surface currents at the northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz.
Luciano Júnior; Erwan Garel; Paulo Relvas. 2022. Coastal upwelling variability along the Northern Margin of the Gulf of Cadiz..
Tina Georg; Maria Conceição Neves; Paulo Relvas. 2022. The signature of NAO and EA climate patterns on the vertical structure of the Canary Current Upwelling System.
Sarah Antonia Rautenbach; Carlos Mendes de Sousa; Paulo Relvas. 2023. High resolution observations of the ocean upper layer south of Cape St.Vincent, western Gulf of Cadiz: What they reveal.
Nascimento, Susana; Martins, Alexandre; Relvas, Paulo; Luís, Joaquim F.; Mirkin, Boris. 2023. "Piece-wise constant cluster modelling of dynamics of upwelling patterns". Expert Systems, 40 (10).
Nascimento, Susana; Martins, Alexandre; Relvas, Paulo; Luís, Joaquim F.; Mirkin, Boris. 2023. "Core–shell clustering approach for detection and analysis of coastal upwelling". Computers & Geosciences, 179.
Lima, M.J.; Relvas, P.; Barbosa, A.B.. 2022. "Variability patterns and phenology of harmful phytoplankton blooms off southern Portugal: Looking for region-specific environmental drivers and predictors". Harmful Algae, 116.
Pinto, José; Costa, Maria; Lima, Keila; Dias, Paulo; Pereira, João; Ribeiro, Manuel; Campos, Renato; et al. 2021. "To Boldly Dive Where No One Has Gone Before: Experiments in Coordinated Robotic Ocean Exploration". Em Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, 472-487. Springer International Publishing.
Leitão, Francisco; Relvas, Paulo; Cánovas, Fernando; Baptista, Vânia; Teodósio, Alexandra. 2019. "Correction to: Northerly wind trends along the Portuguese marine coast since 1950". Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137 (1-2): 21-29.
Cardoso, Cláudio; Caldeira, Rui; Relvas, Paulo; Alexandre Stegner. 2019. Islands as eddy transformation and generation hotspots: Cabo Verde case study. Em 42nd CIESM Congress, Cascais, Portugal.
Marina Bolado-Penagos; Luciano de Oliveira Júnior; Águeda Vázquez; Paulo Relvas; Erwan Garel; Miguel Bruno. 2023. Description of the Gulf of Cadiz surface circulation from drifters.
Sarah Antonia Rautenbach; Carlos Mendes de Sousa; Relvas, Paulo. 2023. High resolution observations of the ocean upper layer south of Cape St.Vincent, western Gulf of Cadiz: What they reveal. Em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2023..
